About the article
Peat extraction by milling involves layer-by-layer surface treatment of karst fields. At the same time, the channel strips due to high humidity and reduced load-bearing capacity turn out to be untreated, edges appear that make it difficult to remove moisture from the surfaces of fields and the operation of technological equipment. This problem can be solved by treating the surfaces of the fields with special eyebrow cutters. However, existing models of brow cutters process only one brow in one pass. The concept of a peat brow cutter developed by us, capable of processing both edges of the fields adjacent to the cart channel in one pass, required experimental studies to establish the optimal angle of rotation of the cutter relative to the transverse axis of the machine. In the presented study, which contains the methodology and experimental results, the value of this angle is justified from the perspective of the optimal energy intensity of milling a peat deposit.
peat production field, edge cutter, oblique milling, peat field channel, energy intensity, strain gauging, load cell.