About the article
The effect of magnetostrictive change in the surface topography of polymer composite material under the action of a magnetic field has been revealed and studied in this work. It is established that when powder of magnetostrictive material TeFe2 with linear magnetostriction λs = 2 ⋅ 103 is used as a magnetic filler, the change in the arithmetic mean deviation of the profile is 5...20 %. It is shown that the change of the profile smoothing height is equal to 5 ⋅ 10–8 μm. In absolute values the change of surface microgeometry is tens of nanometers. The integral topography change on a large-area magnetoplast surface was evaluated by measuring the gas leakage rate through the magnetoplast-counterbody contact. The magnetostrictive nature of the surface topography change in a magnetic field was confirmed. It is emphasized that the magnitude of the effect increases with increasing field and depends on the magnetic structure of the material, i.e., it is determined by its composition, concentration, size, and orientation of the microdisperse magnetic filler.
magnetoplasts, magnetic friction units, magnetostrictive effect, linear magnetostriction, friction control, friction, surface roughness.